

Working From Home

Often, we wish we can work from home – skipping the traffic, sleeping in, sneaking a nap and just enjoy not being in the office. This year, our wish came true for most people thanks to the pandemic, but do they really love it or was it not as great as imagined? Surely, you get really excited at first that your wish came true and you can’t wait to enjoy it but it does come with more commitment especially for

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Traditional Weaning vs Baby-Led Weaning

Weaning – a stage where every child will go through. Usually, it starts at 6 months but some start slightly earlier depending on the advice by your pediatrician. Weaning means a process where your child begins their first time to take solid food other than the milk given (be it formula or breast milk). There are a few types of weaning but the more common ones are traditional weaning or baby-led weaning. Traditional Weaning Smooth purees and mashed food Spoon-feeding

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The Truth About Babywearing

It has been a global trending sensation about the truths on Babywearing. You will no longer be surprised to see many new parents around you in a nearby shopping mall or even on the streets or at the neighborhood parks babywearing their children. Babywearing is the practice of wearing an infant or toddler using a sling or carrier. It has been practiced worldwide for centuries. Even with a long history many caregivers are hesitant to try babywearing due to views

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The Impacts of Plastic

You are on a family holiday at a beautiful private island and decided to go snorkeling. You get excited with the clear waters and beautiful corals but suddenly you saw plastic bottles and waste all around, not a beautiful sight, right? Sadly, that is how our beautiful planet is now and will continue to be when we continue to use plastic. Do you know we are generating 300 million tons of plastics per year?! That’s nearly equivalent to the weight

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Stomach Flu Tips

Last month, Mummy Charmaine’s loved ones were all infected by Stomach Flu virus. So.. what is stomach flu? It’s a virus that commonly caused by the infection of virus or bacteria, which the common symptoms are vomiting and diarrhea. Most viral and bacterial causes of the stomach flu can be transfer to other people by direct and indirect contact, usually by the fecal or oral route. Direct contact could involve an infant’s hand touching feces-contaminated surfaces and then touching a

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